Tuesday 19 June 2012

Always remember, Karma's a bitch.

Well that was an interesting evening. 

I have a recovering alcoholic neighbour who has some severe anxiety issues. He is a lovely person who wouldn't hurt a fly but, like us all, he has some problems. 

Last week his girlfriend died and he went to her funeral this morning. I spoke to him briefly as he was leaving. 

This evening while preparing to go out for an evening cycle ride I found his credit cards, ID, glasses etc. spread along outside the flats. Knocked on his door but there was no reply, just more belongings on the floor outside. Thinking he'd dropped the stuff and, given events, that he quite understandably didn't want to answer the door I picked it all up and put it in my flat for safe keeping.

Then I set off for my ride. A quarter mile out and I see him laying in the gutter barely propped up on his elbows. Managed to get him back home and up to his flat but he had no keys. He'd got home and found he had no keys and had been trying to walk to his friend's to look for them. Eventually got an address out of him and cycled round his friend's to ask if the keys had been dropped there. But they weren't there, "Maybe he dropped them in the cab".

So I cycled back to him and he's found keys in his pocket. Got him indoors and made him a huge pot of coffee. Asked him to try to stay indoors and try to sleep. There is no guarantee that will happen, but I hope it does. I can barely imagine what he is going through. His girlfriend was a huge part of his support mechanism. I will never forget the sheer despair in his voice. I think I was speaking to a truly broken man.

All I can do is check on him tomorrow.

And to all those who were just walking past him and laughing, one day Karma is going to kick you hard in the fork. I hope Karma is wearing steel toecaps when it 
happens and I hope you feel it good and long.